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Review of Crucial Conversations

Have you ever had a difficult conversation with someone you care about? What is one of those conversations that have a lot in play, different opinions and strong emotions? How were you? ¿Lograste express lo que querias decir y escuchar lo que el otro tenia que decir? Do you end a conflict, a silence or a frustration?

If you want to learn how to handle these crucial conversations in an effective way, the book **Crucial Conversations** by Joseph Grenny is for you. In this book, the author teaches you a series of principles and practical skills, explained and demonstrated through numerous examples, so that you can talk to any person on any topic, no matter how sensible they are.

The crucial conversations are those that can have a great impact on your life, both personally and professionally. For example, ending a relationship, asking a roommate to leave, resolving a problem with an ex-spouse, confronting a co-worker about their behavior, or giving the boss a critical feedback.

Many times we try to avoid having these conversations because we are afraid of making things worse. Y de hecho, cuando tenemos conversaciones cruciales, normallye las manejamos mal. We behave worse in the most critical moments. We can retire, get angry and say things about the things that we don't regret.

Normally we fail in these conversations because:

- La natureza juega en nuestra contra. When we are under stress, we have a discharge of adrenaline and blood is diverted from the brain to the muscles, because of which our ability to think is affected.
- Nos pillan desprevenidos. Crucial conversations often surprise us: we have an instinctive reaction and then we ask what we are thinking.
- Nos missing the appropriate skills. We don't know when to start the time to respond or start a conversation important, so let's start without more.

The book **Crucial Conversations** offers a seven-step model for successfully handling these conversations:

1. Empieza con el corazón (that is, with empathy and positive intention).
2. Maintain the dialogue.
3. Hazlo seguro.
4. No te enganches por la emoción (no enganches al otro).
5. Agree on a mutual purpose.
6. Separate the facts from the history.
7. Agree on a clear plan of action.

When you learn to handle important conversations effectively, the quality of your relationships and your effectiveness in your career will improve dramatically, and you will be able to help achieve what everyone wants.

If you want to know more about this book and how to apply its teachings in your life, you are invited to read the complete summary¹ or buy the book². Te aseguramos que no te te repentirás.

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